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  • DS-15a Flanagan Lake Tour, Social Hour

DS-15a Flanagan Lake Tour, Social Hour

  • 31 Aug 2017
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • 168th & Ida Street


  • Site visit

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Tour by Lori Laster, PE

Stormwater Management Engineer

Papio-Missouri River NRD

Construction of the NRD project DS-15a, now called Flanagan Lake and Recreation Area, is nearing completion. The drawdown pipe has been closed, water is filling the lake, and it is expected to reach full pool depth over the next several months. Join us for a tour of the project including the Ida Street bridge (pictured above), the new boat ramp, and a look at the dry North Branch of the West Papio Creek. All water is being held in the lake, so the creek is completely dry until water overtops the normal outflow structure from the lake.

The tour will be followed by a social hour just downstream on the creek at,

Growler USA
16268 Evans Plaza



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